Warzone Stats Discord bot commands



Last Update 3 years ago

/helpGet the list of available commands available in the bot-
/kd platform gamertag visibilityShow a player's KD, kills and deathsplatform - Battle, Playstation or Xboxgamertag - the person's gamertag associated with the platform including and # and numbersvisibility - public or private
/link battle gamertagLink your Discord profile with your Battle.net gamer profilegamertag - your Battle.net gamer tag including any # and numbers
/link playstation gamertagLink your Discord profile with your PlayStation Network gamer profilegamertag - your PlayStation Network gamer tag including any # and numbers
/link xbox gamertagLink your Discord profile with your Xbox gamer profilegamertag - your Xbox gamer tag including any # and numbers
/lobbies platform gamertag visibilityShow match rankings over the last week (captured via the website)platform - Battle, Playstation or Xboxgamertag - the person's gamertag associated with the platform including and # and numbersvisibility - public or private
/my kd visibilityShow your KD, kills and deathsvisibility'public' to post in the current channel, or'private' to send you a DM
/my lobbies visibilityShow match rankings over the last week (captured via the website)visibility'public' to post in the current channel, or'private' to send you a DM
/my warzone-report visibilityShow your Warzone report (key stats)visibility'public' to post in the current channel, or'private' to send you a DM
/register emailRegister for the website [warzonestats.me] and link your Discord profileemail - your email address
/warzone-report platform gamertag visibilityShow a player's Warzone report (key stats)platform - Battle, Playstation or Xboxgamertag - the person's gamertag associated with the platform including and # and numbersvisibility - public or private

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